What Hi-Fi?, the unquestionably odd-named British rag, has published several new component reviews. Among them are:
- Audio Research LS17 preamplifier (GBP 3,399)
- Michell Orbe SE turntable w/ Tecnoarm A tonearm (GBP 2,675)
- Opera Callas bookshelf speakers (GBP 2,375/pair)
- Spendor A5 floorstanding speakers (GBP 1,495/pair)
- Arcam CD37 CD player (GBP 1,000)
- Roksan Kandy K2 bookshelf speakers (GBP 800/pair)
- Icon Audio Stereo 25 tube integrated amp (GBP 500)
Check out the full reviews, then tell me: Do British magazines focus on British equipment makers moreso than US mags focus on US equipment makers?