AVI ADM9.1 Speakers ($2,999) Review by Computer Audiophile

Monday, October 6, 2008

Computer Audiophile, a site devoted to using PCs as high-end sources, has reviewed the AVI ADM9.1 active bookshelf speakers with integrated preamp and DAC ($2,999). Reviewer Chris Connaker had this to say of the British all-in-one two-ways:

The AVi ADM9.1 active loudspeakers really are something special. It would be very hard to piece together a system of separates that performs this well and offers this level of convenience for less than the $2999 asking price of the ADM9.1s.

Read the entire review, then check out Computer Audiophile’s posts about listening to high-res downloadable music from companies like HDTracks, Reference Recordings, 2L, High Definition Tape Transfers, and Music Giants.