Hi-Fi World has published its March issue in both print and electronic versions. Included are reviews and articles on the following components:
- EAR 868PL tube preamp and 890 power amp
- Avid Acutus turntable
- Onkyo TZ-NR906 receiver
- Pioneer PD-D9 CD player
- Roksan K2 CD player
- B&W 683 floorstanding speakers
- KEF iQ70 floorstanding speakers
- Mordaunt Short Mezzo 6 floorstanding speakers
- Neat Ultimatum MFS bookshelf speakers
- Spendor SA-6 floorstanding speakers
- Myryad Mi system
- Olde Worlde: Aiwa LP3000 turntable
- TJ Full Music valves
- Atacama Equinox equipment rack
- Philips MCi500H system
- Audio Origami turntable bearing oil
- Musical Fidelity V-DAC
- DIY: Dynaco A25 bookshelf speakers
- Yamamoto YC-03S moving coil cartridge
Plus, the new issue also features a supertest of seven integrated amps, including models from Cambridge Audio, Exposure, Leema, Marantz, Naim, Roksan and Yamaha. Purchase the electronic edition to see it now. Tell ’em Daily Audiophile sent you…