Eastern Electric Monos, Saxon CD Player Reviewed by StereoMojo

Friday, October 3, 2008

StereoMojo has posted a review of the Eastern Electric M156 tube monoblock power amps ($5,000/pair). Reviewer James L. Darby gave them the following high praise:

By every standard, the amps proved themselves to have a very high level of audio performance at any price and an extraordinary level at their current price…

Another new review on the site is that of the Saxon CD700Mk2 SE CD player ($2,249). Reviewer Clark Hertz liked the bass from this British piece, saying:

The Saxon is a good player for the money with it’s balanced outputs, well controlled bottom end, good looks and accurate presentation.

If your system is mellow from tubes or has bass that is ill controlled, then I recommend this player like a personal trainer for the overweight couch potato.

If you visit StereoMojo, I recommend turning the images off in your web browser first. I can understand how web designers can get carried away with Photoshop effects, but this site is OVER THE TOP.