Luxman M-800A Power Amp ($16,000) Review on Stereophile

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stereophile has posted a review of the Luxman M-800A solid state stereo power amplifier ($16,000). This is a 107 lb beast (photo), with 60Wpc into 8 ohms (120Wpc into 4 ohms) of class-A goodness.

Reviewer Michael Fremer compared the unit to a pair of Musical Fidelity kW monoblocks. He liked its warm, smooth sound, and concluded:

…unless your system is warm and soggy and you’re looking for relief, the M-800A’s sound leaves little to be desired. If your system’s sound is anywhere from analytical to lean, and you want a touch of sonic cushioning without falling into soft springs, the M-800A may be what you need.

Read the entire review, then check out more photos of this handsome unit, as well as its sister: the C-800f preamp.