Audiophile Audition, a site that focuses primarily on hi-res music, has reviewed the Marantz TT-15S1 turntable ($1,600). This is a nice looking unit (photo) featuring an “acrylic turntable including arm and cartridge (manufactured by Clearaudio for Marantz).”
Once he got it assembled, reviewer Brian Bloom thought the turntable sounded quite good:
The sound of this turntable leans toward clarity rather than warmth. Background noise was low and imaging and focus was as good as you’d expect on this record. This table offers better dynamics and focus in comparison with cheaper tables. There is a bigger image and less flattening of the soundstage, with a more fleshed out sound.
Read the entire review, then tell me if you think the recent “vinyl resurgence” is a real or media-made phenomenon. I’m betting on the latter.
Yesterday’s article/ entry is a perfect reason why your site is a great first stop to perusing review sites – I always forget about Audiophile Audition’s reviews. Thanks for the heads up!
New York Times just published a new “vinyl resurgence” article: