Mark & Daniel Maximus-Mini Speakers ($1,260) Review on SonicFlare

Friday, October 10, 2008

SonicFlare, self-described as “the web’s hippest hi-fi site,” has reviewed the diminutive Mark & Daniel Maximus-Mini bookshelf speakers ($1,260). These are American-made two-ways with a rather low sensitivity rating of 82.5dB.

Reviewer Sean Fowler contrasted them to the Mark & Daniel Maximus-Topaz model he reviewed last year. His conclusion? Despite the Mini’s lack of deep bass and abundance of upper treble, he said:

If you are the type of listener in search for an affordable compact monitor capable of throwing out a huge sound that can go loud, stay clean, sound good with any kind of music (from Miles Davis to Marilyn Manson), and enjoy more of a front-row type of presentation, the Mini should put at the top of your ‘to audition’ list.

Read the entire review, then check out Sean’s previous review (0.4MB PDF) of the Mark & Daniel Topaz from the October 2007 issue of Affordable$$Audio.