Pass Labs, MBL, and More Reviews on Positive Feedback Online

Monday, November 3, 2008

Positive Feedback Online has published its November issue. In addition to a variety of stories and articles, the new issue contains two new component reviews:

Also included are reviews of the Cable Research Labs Copper Series interconnects ($895/pair) and Marigo Audio VX Mystery Feet $699 (set of three), both by the always enthusiastic Robert H. Levi.

Of the mystery feet, Mr. Levi exclaimed:

I placed the VX Feet under my Cary SET Amp which was supported by Vibrapods and a very heavy wood shelf with thick foam dampening. YIKES! It transmogrified into a new amp. The VX Feet shocked me on first listening!

Intrigued? Check out the Positive Feedback Online archives for many (hundreds?) more reviews of cables and accessories.