Affordable$$Audio has published its December issue. Included are the following HIGH-end component reviews:
- Bolder Cable Ultimate IV Squeezebox Power Supply ($950)
- Grant Fidelity B-283 Tube Processor/Buffer ($219)
- LaJoie SJ1 Jumpers: Multi-Writer Mini-Review ($75)
- Pathos Acoustics Classic One MK III hybrid integrated amp ($2,995)
- Marigo Audio TR ($659) and VX ($699) Mystery Feet
- A Fun Comparison: Three Fine Monitors: Era Design 5, Polk LSi9, and Totem Rainmaker
The new issue includes Part Two of Stew Nelless’ “Spirit of Orion” DIY speaker project. It also features an article by Brad Mitchell called “Another Philosophical Perspective on Audio and the Crazy People Who Consider It a Hobby.” I especially like the third principle:
No matter what you do, half of your CDs will still sound like crap.
Download the entire issue (9 MB PDF) by going to the Affordable$$Audio web site and clicking the December 2008 issue link in the left column.