Positive Feedback Online has posted a review of the Zu Audio Presence loudspeaker ($8,000/pair). This is a full-range “direct radiating, controlled dispersion, infinite baffle (sealed) 60 degree triangular floor-standing loudspeaker with internally powered, forward firing, two 10″ low frequency drivers with simple user bypass ability.”
Reviewer John Zurek was struck by the fit and finish of these interesting looking floorstanders (photo), but he had trouble getting them to sound right in his room.
I struggled with set up, and tried several different tube and solid state amps. The problem was that the higher end of the mid-range spectrum was glaring and harsh.
Eventually, he got them to sound good, although not with an Argent room lens between them, and not without some Equarack multi-mount footers with the spike adapters underneath. OK…
Read the entire review.
It would have been better if the review listed the specific equipment he tried and how many hours were on the speakers. As it is, we know more about the footers used and his unusual room.